Friday, October 17, 2014

Vegetarian Lunchbox Inspiration: Week 5

A whole week late with my weekly re-cap this time!  LOL, at least I get the lunches made on time and with any luck and cooperation (i.e. naps) from my boys I will even get this weeks post up shortly afterwards!

Pesto pasta sprinkled with parmesan (which is one of the few pastas she likes cold), hard-boiled egg, black olives, Pepperidge Farm butterfly pretzels, kiwi (cut with a butterfly cookie cutter), pear, pistachios, cucumbers (maple leaf cookie cutter), and carrots (tulip cookie cutter).
Banana Zucchini Muffin (recipe here), egg, olives, string cheese, cashews, grapes, raspberries, carrots (cut with a flower cookie cutter), cucumbers (maple leaf cookie cutter).
I have never sliced an apple like this before but I really wanted to try an apple sandwich and she loved it! Apple sliced and core cut out with flower cookie cutter, filled with PB and surrounded with raisins and pistachios. There is also pesto pasta salad with parmesan and black olives, carrots, cucumbers, and Trader Joe's Cheddar Rocket Crackers.
A PB&honey sandwich cut with an elephant cookie cutter (made by Munchkin) on a bed of romaine (and no, she didn't eat the lettuce although she does like salads), apple chunks (they stay fresh in the Yumbox but you could also dip them in OJ or lemon juice which I sometimes do), egg, carrot hearts.
Bagel Thin with cream cheese and strawberries, cashews, grapes, egg, carrots, and cucumbers.
That's all for todays re-cap folks, have a great weekend!


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